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U of I College of Engineering

Mailing Address:

Janssen Engineering (JEB) Room 125
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1011
Moscow, ID 83844-1011

Phone: 208-885-6470

Fax: 208-885-6645


Web: College of Engineering

U of I Boise Engineering

Mailing Address:

Idaho Water Center 
322 E. Front Street 
Boise, ID 83702

Phone: 208-364-6123

Fax: 208-364-3160


Web: Boise Engineering

U of I Idaho Falls Engineering

Physical Address:

1776 Science Center Drive, Suite 306
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402

Phone: 208-757-5400

Fax: 208-282-7929


Web: Idaho Falls Engineering

U of I CDA Computer Science

Physical Address:
1000 W Garden Ave,
Hedlund Building Room 202,
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814

Phone: 208-292-2509


Web: U of I Coeur d'Alene

Engineering Outreach

Physical Address:

Engineering Physics (EP) Building, Room 312
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1014
Moscow, ID 83844-1014

Phone: 208-885-6373

Fax: 208-885-9249


Web: Engineering Outreach

‘It’s the People Around Me’


Some people think engineers are antisocial, 整天坐在电脑前,计算复杂的数学和科学方程式.但对于Shalom Masango来说,汪达尔工程师打破了这种刻板印象.

“工程专业的学生,我的朋友们,他们是不同类型的工程师。 mechanical engineering senior said. “我们在帮助他人方面富有创造力和激情. Most engineers like solving problems, 但我们也喜欢一起工作,在课外玩得开心. 是我身边的人让我在哈佛大学的生活如此丰富.”

马桑戈从津巴布韦来到bet365亚洲官网工程学院. 在考虑加拿大的学位课程时,她说,伊利诺伊大学和爱达荷州不在她的考虑范围之内. Through her experiences with the students, faculty and staff, Masango选择留在university of I是因为这里独特的社交和学习氛围, with creative students, 小班授课,并通过行业支持资源, faculty and peer mentorship.

“All I can say is that I have no regrets. I have lived my best years at U of I,” she said, “You have lots of access to professors, resources and support programs. 我爱上了校园,我的同学和老师们. I grew up in the city. 在这里,有很多学习的地方,人们说“你好”,人们微笑.”

Aerospace to Mechanical Engineering

Masango将于今年春天毕业,在全球电力工程领导者施韦策工程实验室(Schweitzer engineering Laboratories, SEL)担任副制造工程师——自去年秋天在该公司实习以来,她一直担任这个职位.

她在津巴布韦的哈拉雷长大,父亲经常出差. 马桑戈记得,她花了很多时间在机场看飞机起飞和降落,同时接她的父亲从他最近的旅行.

“I always wanted to be a pilot,” she said. “我想拥有自己的飞机,飞越不同的州. I want to get my parents their own jet.”

Masango’s father had a more practical take.

“他知道成为一名飞行员需要付出多少努力, 以及为了获得成功,我需要花多少时间远离家人和朋友,” she said.

波音公司的一位副总裁出席了马桑戈家乡附近一所大学的毕业典礼. Her father set up a meeting with him. 她了解到,大多数波音工程师都没有航空航天学位,他们大多专注于机械工程等其他学科.

“I wanted a degree that was portable,” she said. “机械工程是所有学科的结合体. You do a little civil engineering, 稍微学一点电子工程——这是一个全面发展的途径. 我的父母非常同意,他们支持我的决定.”

A Social Setting

As a freshman at U of I, 马桑戈住在西奥菲勒斯塔九楼的女性科学与工程楼层. 这个生活小组的学生可以通过指导机会获得校园内的学术和职业资源, social engagement and more.  

“那是一个非常社交的环境,几乎每个人都是工程师,”她说. “When you come to campus and don’t know anyone, 能够很容易地遇到有相似兴趣的人, to hang out with students you have classes with, 互相帮助——这对一个工程专业的学生来说很重要.” 


Masango还利用了对工程专业学生开放的指导项目和支持资源. 作为女工程师协会(SWE)的成员,她加入了SWE- inl导师计划. 学员与包括爱达荷国家实验室在内的行业专业工程师合作. 

“我们在帮助他人方面富有创造力和激情. Most engineers like solving problems, 但我们也喜欢一起工作,在课外玩得开心. 是我身边的人让我在哈佛大学的生活如此丰富.”

— Shalom Masango, mechanical engineering senior

“工程学院的导师项目将你与来自不同行业的专业工程师以及你的同龄人联系起来,” she said. “You work in small groups and meet often. 你会了解其他人是如何应对你所面临的同样挑战的, and what tools they used to be successful.” 

Building Meaningful Relationships

马桑戈说,她与系里的教师建立了良好的关系, even professors she had freshman year, 是否增强了她在学业上取得成功的能力. 她说,与伊利诺伊大学的教职员工保持联系很容易做到. 

“I love my professors. At U of I, you really feel like they are here to help you,” she said, “我有很多关于不同教师支持我、帮助我实现目标的故事. Faculty references helped me earn my job at SEL.” 


“SEL really cares about its employees,” she said. “如果我正在做一个项目,感到压力很大,我可以向比我高三层的经理求助. 他们希望在工作中帮助和鼓励合作. 他们希望你成为最好的自己,无论是作为一名员工还是一个人.” 

As she builds her career, 马桑戈说,她仍然计划攻读飞行员执照,并为家人买一架私人飞机.

Student adjust a component on a wind tunnel
破坏者工程师可以进入我们的风洞来模拟物体在飞行中的动作. 沙洛姆的高级设计项目侧重于提高飞机的飞行性能.

Article by Alexiss Turner, University Communications.

Photos by Rio Spiering, University Visual Productions.

Published in May 2023.


U of I College of Engineering

Mailing Address:

Janssen Engineering (JEB) Room 125
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1011
Moscow, ID 83844-1011

Phone: 208-885-6470

Fax: 208-885-6645


Web: College of Engineering

U of I Boise Engineering

Mailing Address:

Idaho Water Center 
322 E. Front Street 
Boise, ID 83702

Phone: 208-364-6123

Fax: 208-364-3160


Web: Boise Engineering

U of I Idaho Falls Engineering

Physical Address:

1776 Science Center Drive, Suite 306
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402

Phone: 208-757-5400

Fax: 208-282-7929


Web: Idaho Falls Engineering

U of I CDA Computer Science

Physical Address:
1000 W Garden Ave,
Hedlund Building Room 202,
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814

Phone: 208-292-2509


Web: U of I Coeur d'Alene

Engineering Outreach

Physical Address:

Engineering Physics (EP) Building, Room 312
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1014
Moscow, ID 83844-1014

Phone: 208-885-6373

Fax: 208-885-9249


Web: Engineering Outreach